PhD Workshop on Indonesia
As a part of the Graduate School in Asian Studies, the PhD workshop on Indonesia aims to bring together the PhD students and scholars working on Indonesia across various disciplines for a meeting at the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies at Lund University. The workshop is designed to facilitate discussion and cooperation among the participants, allowing them to exchange insights on Indonesian research and share their experiences in studying the country. The workshop includes a public lecture and an opportunity for participants to discuss their ongoing research with experienced scholars and peers as well as to receive constructive feedback from one another.
To participate in the workshop, PhD students are required to submit a chapter from their thesis or a research paper in progress, which will be shared with other participants in advance. This allows participants to thoroughly review the material and utilize it as a basis for discussion and feedback. The draft chapter or research paper must be submitted no later than 25 September 2023 to chontida [dot] auikool [at] ace [dot] lu [dot] se (Chontida Auikool)
Travel and accommodation funding will be available for participants from Sweden. If you are interested in participating or require additional information, please contact chontida [dot] auikool [at] ace [dot] lu [dot] se (Chontida Auikool).
About the event
Dates of workshop
17 - 18 October 2023
Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University, Sweden
Contact person
chontida [dot] auikool [at] ace [dot] lu [dot] se (Chontida Auikool)