The Craft of Writing and Publishing Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
March 27-June 12, 2024, 7.5 credits
Instructor Professor Karl Gustafsson, Stockholm University
The course provides PhD students with skills that are useful when writing and publishing peer reviewed journal articles. It covers aspects of the article writing and publishing process, including how to identify suitable journals, how to develop and clarify the argument and contribution of a paper, how to engage with reviewers and editors, and how to co-author articles. The course presents concrete techniques for using short texts or abstracts to develop papers and offers participants the opportunity to develop and receive feedback on their own article drafts. It also introduces participants to academic literature on how writing groups can assist PhD students in the writing and publishing process.
The course is open to PhD students enrolled in Swedish universities working on East and South-East Asia. The course is free of charge and participants travel to the retreat in Sigtuna and accommodation is paid for by the Graduate School.
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to:
-Critically reflect on the article writing and publishing process, including issues related to the audience and how to identify suitable journals.
-Develop and clarify the argument and contribution of an academic article manuscript.
-Use short texts and abstracts to develop papers.
-Present theoretical or empirical results or conclusions compellingly.
-Provide constructive feedback on article drafts.
-Reflect on how writing groups can assist PhD students in the writing and publishing process.
March 27-June 12, 2024
Seven Zoom sessions, and one two-day in-person retreat.
The Zoom classes will take place on Wednesdays.
The date for the retreat is 14-15 May in Sigtuna.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Marina Svensson
E-mail: marina [dot] svensson [at] ace [dot] lu [dot] se (marina[dot]svensson[at]ace[dot]lu[dot]se)